Course overview

  • Starts: Sept 2024
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Mode: Full time
  • UCAS code: W225
  • Fees: UK: ÂŁ9,250 / INT: ÂŁ17,000

Ideal for... Those looking to develop your own distinctive visual voice and become an experimental and creative practitioner

Find your visual voice

Do you want to be involved in creating characters and environments for animation, gaming, comics and products? This specialist course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to embark on a career in the ever-expanding creative industries. Taught in a studio-style environment, students will learn drawing and image-making skills, and work with 3D modelling and digital media to develop concepts and visuals for environments and characters.

Why study this Character Design & Concept Art degree?

  1. Work in a collaborative studio environment
  2. Turns illustrators into contemporary visual storytellers
  3. Work with text, drawings, moving images and printmaking
  4. Develop concepts for multiple industries – from commercial graphic design to fashion and animation.

This focussed and practice-led course prepares you for entry into the specialist field of concept art and character design. With access to state-of-the-art facilities and strong industry links, the course will enable you to sharpen your skills and prepare you for industry.

Through an exploration of drawing, anatomy, working with narrative, 3D modelling and using modern digital image-making tools, you will gain a deep understanding of how to create authentic characters and visual concepts. 

Key areas of study

You'll explore and apply your skills across a range of illustrative applications including: drawing and image-making fundamentals, understanding and interpreting narrative informed by research, using digital image-making tools and 3D modelling to bring characters and environments to life.

The specifics

Course specification available soon.