StartUp Lab

Institute for Creativity and Technology - Ope

StartUp Lab is Ravensbourne’s progressive, inclusive and collaborative hub that supports and mentors entrepreneurial students


Group picture of StartUp Lab participants

Do you want to start your own business? Then we’ve got you.

Do you want to start your own business? Then we’ve got you.

We recognise as a university that not all students want to go straight into the industry but in fact what to run their own start-ups and lead the change.

What we offer

  • Group programmes
  • Workshops from business experts
  • Access to 1-to-1 industry mentors
  • Networking with investors
  • Business planning
  • Professional sounding board from the start-up team at Ravensbourne.
  • Students can also work alongside established founders and businesses in the space to collaborate and gain experience.

We run 6-month accelerator programmes for aspiring student entrepreneurs. This is made up of first to third year students and graduates.

We will help you progress your ideas to operating start-ups.

Facilities on offer

StartUp Lab has a brand new dynamic space that can be used for business meetings and networking opportunities.

We have facilities to create content, podcasts and collateral to elevate your businesses.

All the founders who progress through our programmes offer an array of opportunities for students studying at Ravensbourne that include internships, projects and experience in emerging start-ups.

The door is open to any student to pop in and share their business ideas even if you are just at that lightbulb moment.

Contact us

Please contact Jess Lewis if you have any questions about getting involved.