Ravensbourne offers free taster for trailblazing video editing course

Here at Ravensbourne we are offering budding film and TV editors the special opportunity to sample our postgraduate MFA Craft Editing programme for free in two-week taster courses this summer.
A collaboration with training platform ‘Inside the Edit’, MFA Craft Editing is the industry’s first postgraduate course with an emphasis on the artistic theory of editing, as opposed to the technical side of using the software.
With our taster, participants can get hands-on experience of the MFA Craft Editing course and learn the creative skills and techniques that production companies really look for in their editors. The full, year-long Master’s degree will launch in October 2021.
As with the full MFA, the taster course will be delivered entirely online, and can be completed from anywhere in the world, on a schedule suited to individual students. Places on the taster are free and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The next taster course takes place from Monday 26 July – Thursday 5 August 2021. The final summer taster will take place from Monday 16 August – Thursday 26 August 2021.
Participants will have the opportunity to edit a short factual piece and receive one-to-one feedback on their final cut from industry expert Paddy Bird. Paddy Bird is the founder of 'Inside the Edit', and has spent over 20 years editing documentaries, entertainment shows and reality TV for both British and American television. His work has been broadcast on the BBC, Channel 4, Sky, Discovery channel, National Geographic, ABC, NBC and more.
Paddy commented: “The two-week taster course gives students the perfect opportunity to hone their skills and take them to a professional level. Our one-to-one tuition and peer-to-peer feedback enriches the experience, ensuring that everyone gets the most out of the course. We’re excited to see what the cohort produces and expect to see some excellent Final Major Projects.”
You can find out more and register for the July or August taster courses on our website.