Ravensbourne University London achieves overall satisfaction rate of 92% in PTES

We are proud to announce that Ravensbourne University London has achieved a satisfaction rate of 92% in the 2024 Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) 2024.
A total of 12.6% of our postgraduate cohort responded to the survey when it ran from April to June this year.
The PTES gathers important information about the experiences had by postgraduate students at university in several key areas, including teaching and learning, engagement, feedback, organisation, and development.
Ravensbourne ranked in the top 10 for the sector overall and across many of the individual areas, including ‘community’, ‘teaching’, and ‘organisation’.
Andy Rees, Dean at Ravensbourne University London, said: “Over the last few years, Ravensbourne has significantly expanded and grown our postgraduate offering, and we are delighted that students have reported an overwhelmingly positive experience during their time studying with us.
“We are proud to offer a diverse range of postgraduate courses spanning the creative fields, business, and computer science – and even prouder that students feel empowered, supported, and satisfied while studying them.”