Everyman - closing titles (1981)

Concept and creative process

This was the endtitle background for the 1981 ‘Everyman’ series, a still taken from the award-winning opening titles. See ‘Everyman’ 1981. ‘Everyman’ documentaries covered a broad spectrum of issues, from the spiritual to the supernatural to social and moral concerns, which impacted upon the lives of young and old alike throughout the world. Stewart Austin used anonymous silhouettes as a graphic way of representing this population spectrum. The action was filmed live against a white cyclorama background on a highly reflective floor.

Lighting Cameraman - Ian Hilton.

Editor - Rod Longhurst.

Music - Roger Limb, BBC Radiophonic Workshop.

Designer/Director - Stewart Austin.

Winner of a Design & Art Direction Wood Pencil for Television Titles 1981.