Ravensbourne partner with SheCanCode for STEM Educator Awards

Ravensbourne University London are delighted to be partnering with SheCanCode, a social enterprise designed to empower women working, or aspiring to work, in the tech industry.
Specifically, Ravensbourne will be collaborating with SheCanCode for the inaugural STEM Educator Awards. These new accolades aim to celebrate educators, mentors and organisations which are championing diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM fields. Nominations are now open, with a closing date of Friday 14 March.
We are proud to be joining partners such as codebar, Next Tech Girls and Founders and Coders in supporting the STEM Educator Awards, all of whom share Ravensbourne’s dedication to diversifying STEM fields through academia and the workplace.
This exciting opportunity is just the latest development in the blossoming relationship between Ravensbourne and SheCanCode. December 2024 saw Dr Nosheen Gul and Dr Naureen Farhan, both leaders within our Computing faculty, having articles published on SheCanCode which shared their industry insight and expertise.
You can read Dr Gul’s article here, while Dr Farhan’s can be found here.
You can also find out more about Ravensbourne’s Computing courses via our website.