Kit Store

To leave Ravensbourne industry-ready, our students need access to a broad range of equipment. Our Kit Store loans equipment from industry-standard manufacturers, including cameras, audio, lighting and more
We know that early exposure to gold-standard equipment is a vital part of getting you industry-ready, which is why we continually invest in our Kit Store.
Open to all students and staff from their first day at Ravensbourne, the store offers a wide range of lighting equipment, audio devices and cameras, including the Arri Alexa which has shot a few Oscar-winning films.
The Kit Store offers a wide range of digital stills and video cameras, including the Arri Alexa which has been used to capture numerous Oscar-winning films, as well as the Sony FS7, Red, and Phase One cameras.
DSLR and mirrorless options are available across a range of courses, from the easy to use Canon 700D and 5D’s to the stills and video-capable Sony A7s II’s.
We also have a wide range of lenses available, including prime, zoom and macro lenses.
student quote
Without the Kit Store there would be no other way for me to try out new, top-of-the-range equipment for projects off campus”
The lighting available from the Kit Store covers a wide range of needs, from studio-based photo shoots to film set productions.
This range includes: Bowens & Elinchrom Studio Lighting, Arri, Dedolight, and KinoFlo production lighting, and easy to use light tents with all the relevant accessories such as backdrops, stands, and softboxes.
Our Kit Store staff can offer help and guidance to make sure you choose the right lighting for your project.
Audio devices
The Kit Store offers a wide range of audio, sound, and musical assets. We house equipment from a selection of industry standard manufacturers including Sennheiser, Shure, Korg, Zoom, and Sound Devices.
Whether you need to record an interview, mic up a drum kit, record audio on a film set, or record a synth into your computer, the Kit Store can help.
Supporting your projects
While all students can use the Kit Store once they complete their induction, some courses will regularly use our equipment throughout their studies.