Ravensbourne launches MAKE IT zine

We're proud to announce that we are launching a brand-new zine! Getting your head around pursuing a creative career can be difficult, so we’ve created a digital zine that explains everything you need to know. Each edition gives insider tips on a particular career path and how to get started.
We caught up with our wonderful Outreach Officer, Hattie Moore, to find out about the exciting new publication.
Can you tell us a little about the MAKE it zine?
MAKE IT has been designed to help support careers teams at schools and colleges to advise young people about careers in the creative industries. We are planning on releasing 4 editions of MAKE IT across the year, with each edition focussing on a different area of the industry. This edition is all about making it in the film industry.
Why do you think a zine like this is important?
After visiting lots of schools, colleges and careers events across the UK, I noticed that young people weren’t taught about the breadth of options available to them in a creative career. We are hoping this little zine series can support the amazing work that our colleagues in schools and colleges are already doing. As creatives ourselves, we want to support future creatives and diversify the industry as much as possible! We as creatives working in the industry tell stories and share experiences and it’s time to hear fresh, new and different voices.
Can you tell us about Outreach at Ravensbourne?
Here at Ravensbourne, we pride ourselves on making creative courses accessible and inclusive. Our Outreach work aims to increase participation in creative Higher Education for young people and mature learners. We provide workshops, holiday schools, Saturday clubs and 1-1 support for schools, colleges and community groups in London and across the UK. We aim to make studying a creative course at university level accessible for anyone who wishes to learn!
What does a typical work day look like for you? What’s the best thing about your role?
My work days are never the same – which is the best thing about my job! I am usually running workshops in schools or colleges or in our building. I give portfolio and personal statement advice and support students with their applications to university. I get to be a bit creative too, making this zine and social media content for @raveoutreach Instagram. My favourite part of my job is the students I get to meet, they make the travel and admin worth it! I meet incredible young people and artists every day, and hearing all their stories and experiences is why I do my job.
What advice would you give to young people who would love a creative career?
Play! Being curious and inventive is necessary when you want to pursue a creative career. We want people who can work well with others, learn from others and engage with the world around them creatively. Don’t be scared about giving things a try. You don’t have to be loud and outspoken to succeed creatively. You can be you, because that’s your best asset. You are the only you, so own that!
Who are your favourite creatives at the moment? Any books, films or TV shows that you’d really recommend?
I’m trying to read and watch more media made by women of colour, so can highly recommend Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams to read. I also LOVED Rocks, it really portrayed teenage life in inner-city London schools so beautifully. I also love the Gal-Dem podcast too. Our students always hugely inspire me and remind me why I do my job – so check out their work on our Instagram, @raveoutreach