Ravensbourne University’s Value for Money Statement

millennium dome

Universities are subject to the Office for Students requirement to be transparent about value for money for its students. The following information sets out how the University’s finances work – where our income comes from and what we spend our money on.

Where we get our money from

8.5% £3.4m Government funding grants, 88.3% £35m Student tuition fees, 1.7% £0.7m Income from other sources, 1.5% £0.6m Income from investments

How we spend our money

45.9% £18.1m Running academic departments, 6.8% £2.7m Providing academic services, 27.6% £10.9m Running the institution,  10.7% £4.2m Maintaining our building, 9.1% £3.6m Other expenditure, including depreciation of assets and finance charges.