Tomorrow's World (1999)

Concept and creative process

Opening titles for ‘Tomorrow’s World’, a long-running series which looked at recent developments in technology as well as future trends. This edition began with the presenters Philippa Forrester and John Snow overlayed on a virtual 3D set which became the opening of the title sequence. A 3D CGI tour of the architectural structure discovered a screen displaying footage of the iconic baby from Bob English’s 1995 ‘TW’ titles, still looking optimistically toward the future, before the virtual camera moved outside. It flew over a flat landscape, populated by the presenters and 3D images of flight and medical research, before returning briefly via the baby image, now as the background to the programme title credit, to the 3D architectural interior and the presenters in their virtual set. The use of virtual sets, particularly for news broadcasts, was to become a trend in the early 2000s.