Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (1979)

Concept and creative process

Titles for a serialised John Le CarrĂ© spy story which subtly encapsulate the world of spies and counter spies in a nest of Russian dolls. The spy in the story could be one of four suspects as the drama's title suggests. His identity is revealed by a slow meticulous search, admirably symbolised by the slow lifting of each Russian doll, only to reveal another underneath, until we come to the faceless one. The camera moves slowly in as each successive doll is lifted out of shot until only the empty nest of lower halves remains. The faceless doll rolls into shot as the credits roll until all is still. Simple and full of foreboding.

Lighting Cameraman - Vic Cummings, Caravel Film Studios.

Editor - Rod Longhurst.

Music - Geoffrey Burgon.

Designer/Director - Douglas Burd.

Winner of a Design & Art Direction Wood Pencil for Television Drama Titles 1980.

Nominated for a BAFTA Craft Award for Television Graphic Design 1980.