Newsday - version 2 (1974)

Concept and creative process

A second version of this programme title in the same year by Alan Jeapes. Here he retained his slab serif logotype and fine and bold rules, but went for a masterly, more dynamic and ambitious live action solution for the background. A single live action top shot of a rush hour crowd walking was used as the basis. A grid of crosses was superimposed over the screen, which in sync with the music, split into two, then ten and finally into forty separate screens containing the original shot, half of which moved left to right and the other half right to left. A mind boggling achievement in the pre-digital film era! Variations on this multiscreen technique became a signature design solution for Alan Jeapes during his BBC career – see also titles such as ‘Call Me Mister’, ‘Spender’ and ‘All Our Working Lives’.

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