Crusades - map sequences (1995)

Concept and creative process

Programme content for the documentary series ‘Crusades’ written and presented by Terry Jones of Monty Python fame. Four sequences were created as part of the programme itself. The script was written beforehand, but the voiceover and music were recorded after the graphic elements and sequences were created. For the ‘Crusades’ map sequences, charting the progress of the Crusaders across Europe and the Middle East to Jerusalem, scrolls of parchment paper were lit and grabbed into Paintbox in a variety of ways. Live action was also shot with the scrolls opening to reveal chromakey blue or black paper to use as matte runs to reveal other scenes later, whether static or moving. These component elements were saved to use in various ways for various map sequences. Some of the backgrounds had props positioned on them to add interest and realism. Once composited, slight zooms and pans could be built in (maximum 15% before distortion) to add a feeling of movement. The flames from matches were used as pointers on the routes to indicate conflicts. Mattes from live action were made to use as shadows on the top layers. Map artwork and animations were created on Paintbox.

Quantel Paintbox & Harry Edit - Mike McGee at Framestore.

Creative Direction - Liz Friedman.  

Finalist International Monitor Awards.