BBC One 'Capes' long ident (2008)

Concept and creative process

This is the HD branded long version of 'Capes', first broadcast in 2008. It was one of the on-screen channel identities for the BBC One 'Circles' Campaign which ran from 2006-2016. The creative brief was to devise and film sequences of people, plants, machines and animals which ended in a circular image incorporating the new BBC One logo. This brief gave free rein to the imagination and resulted in a memorable series of channel idents which were used successfully throughout the decade. For the ident 'Capes', the action was filmed on 35mm at several West London locations. A 4-way spiral was traced out by the action of 81 cyclists wearing brightly coloured rain capes. The formation cycling, filmed from high above, created a circular rainbow effect. The cyclists were then replicated in post-production to increase their number to around 350, and the buildings and road markings were added.

Post-production and Compositing - George Roper (Framestore).

Creatives - Charlie Mawer (Executive), Lisa Gledhill (Creative Director), James Spence.

Producer - Ella Littlewood.

Lighting Cameraman - Clive Norman.

Art Director - Alison Gartshore.

Music - Nina Humphries (Director's cut).

Designer/Director - Matthew Losasso.

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