BBC Content Licence for the Motion Graphics Archive

Hello. These are a few rules for you... they tell you what you can do with our content:
1. What does content mean?
We mean the BBC’s motion graphics examples which are being made available to you by Ravensbourne, and include text, images, artefacts, designs, metadata, music, and anything made by people using our services etc.
2. What can I use it for?
Read these terms before using our content. Whenever you use our content you agree to these terms. Provided you keep to these rules, the BBC grants you permission to download and use the BBC content but only…
- for formal education purposes in United Kingdom (for example, if you are enrolled on a university or college course, or if you are a school pupil, or you are a teacher), and
- while you are a student or a member of staff of a United Kingdom school, college or university. You can use it for your personal, non-commercial purposes only. The BBC doesn’t transfer ownership of any of its rights to you.
You are not permitted to upload any of the content to any other websites.
If you’re intending to use it for any other purpose, for example….substantially to do your job – as an employee, contractor or consultant;
- for commercial purposes – to make a profit;
- for non-profit and government organisations
…you’ll need to get our separate permission first, and you might have to pay a fee - this content licence does not cover business use.
3. Do I need to get other permissions?
We don’t always own the copyright. Our content often includes other people’s content, or we only have a licence to broadcast a programme and it’s the production company who owns it. So you’ll have to ask them if you can use it (unless you already have permission, for example under an ERA licence) and make any necessary payments to them. If we ask you, you’ll provide us with evidence that you’ve got these permissions.
4. Don’t use our content for harmful or offensive purposes. Here are things that may harm or offend: insulting, misleading, discriminating or defaming (damaging people’s reputations); promoting pornography, tobacco or weapons; putting children at risk; anything illegal, like using hate speech, inciting terrorism or breaking privacy law; anything that would harm the BBC’s reputation.
5. Don’t mess with our content. That means this sort of thing:
removing or altering watermarks, BBC logos, and copyright notices from the content; using it outside of the UK or helping others do the same, not immediately removing content from the device/systems/event/publication when we ask you to (which we can do at any time). In exceptional cases you may have to recall a published paper, stop a screening, remove our content from an AV production or event.
6. Don’t make it look like our content costs money. If you show our content at an event, in a publication, in a production, on a website etc., that charges for content, you have to say that our content is free-to-view/listen to.
7. Don’t make our content more prominent than non-BBC content.
Otherwise it might look like we’re endorsing you, which we’re not allowed to do. Use our content alongside other stuff. You can’t make a service of your own that contains only our content.
8. Don’t exaggerate your relationship with the BBC.
You can’t say we endorse, promote, supply or approve of you. Don’t use our content for political purposes. And you can’t say you have exclusive access to our content.
9. Don’t associate our content with advertising or sponsorship.
That means you can’t put any other content between the link to our content and the content itself (so no ads or short videos people have to sit through); put ads next to or over it; put any ads in a web page or app that contain mostly our content; put ads related to their subject alongside our content (so no trainer ads with an image of shoes); add extra content that means you’d earn money from our content.
10. Don’t be misleading about where our content came from.
You can’t remove or alter the copyright notice, or imply that someone else made it.
11. Don’t pretend to be the BBC.
That includes: using our brands, trade marks or logos without our permission; using or mentioning our content in press releases and other marketing materials; making money from our content (you can’t charge people to view our images, for example); sharing our content (for example, no uploading to social media sites). Sharing links is OK.
12. What you have to do:
Use the content only in accordance with these rules, and display it accurately. Add a credit (if it doesn’t already have one) to show where you got the content from (e.g. “BBC © copyright content reproduced courtesy of the British Broadcasting Corporation. All rights reserved.”).
13. Can the BBC cancel my permission?
If you don’t stick to these terms of use the BBC may cancel your permission and we may refuse future requests for permission to use.
14. Personal data.
If there’s personal data in our content (such as the name, or a picture, of someone taking part in a programme) the BBC is the data controller of it, and you are the data processor of it and must use it only for the purposes and duration described in your request. We both must act in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 and any other applicable data protection law and guidance. The BBC, as data controller, is also responsible for handling your name and address and any other personal data you provide to us on this form in line with data protection law. We do this on the basis that the BBC has a legitimate interest in using your personal data for journalistic, artistic and literary purposes, and in the public interest. For information on data protection, see the Information Commissioner’s website:
15. A thing we have to say.
Apart from what we’re responsible for when there’s a mishap, we’re not liable for anything that happens to you if you use our content.
16. Mishaps.
We take great care to make our content the best it can be. So if something does go wrong, we are responsible only:
- If our content damages your device or anything on it. Should this happen, you might be able to ask for compensation under consumer protection law. Compensation isn’t guaranteed, though.
Be sure to get legal advice;
- For certain unlikely events. If our negligence causes death or injury, for example;
- If you’re an individual “consumer” and it would be unfair for us to not be held responsible. Otherwise, we’re not liable for anything that happens if: you rely on advice, data, commentary, opinions or any other content; there are errors, omissions, interruptions, delays, bugs or viruses; we turn off or remove content, services, or creations (we’d normally only do this for legal reasons); the thing that happens couldn’t reasonably have been foreseen; the thing that happens wouldn’t usually result from the mishap; or you and we hadn’t agreed that this thing would probably happen in the event of a mishap. The BBC is not responsible for Ravensbourne’s website or anything else that Ravensbourne provides to you, or anything that happens to you if you use them.
17. Final stuff.
These terms of use replace all previous agreements between you and us about using this content. This is a contract between you and us. No one else has any rights to enforce its terms. English law governs these terms of use, and only English courts can make judgments about them. Our content is made available to you by the British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA.
© BBC 2020