1986 BBC2 - Computer animated TWO

Concept and creative process

In 1986 Alan Jeapes was commissioned to design a new ident and suggested that the channel's name change from '2' to 'Two'. He returned to the Red, Green, Blue brand colours of the Cube animation era of 1967, alternately colouring the uprights and oblique strokes of the 'T' and 'W' stencil style capitals in RGB with the 'O' in white. The animation was created in collaboration with the BBC Computer Graphics Workshop and was the first ident to have a completely white background, out of which the letters were sequentially extruded, casting soft shadows upon the background. After a requisite pause for the length of the Continuity announcement, the letters again sank back on cue sequentially into the white background. The design was replaced in 1991 by a completely new design for the '2', by design consultants Lambie-Nairn.